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Glass fibre bag filters for maximum contamination control and service life.

  • F5 > F9
  • Bag Filters
  • Key Features

    Achieves M5, M6, F7, F8, and F9 to EN779:2012 / MERV 9, MERV 11, MERV 13, MERV 15, and MERV 16 to ASHRAE 52.2:2007.

    Excellent for all types of air conditioning systems, recommended for critical and sensitive applications.

    Configurable with a comprehensive range of sizes, efficiencies, and pocket counts.

    Developed high loft air-laid micro glass media achieves exceptional high dust holding capacities.

    Steady linear performance curve across the filter's service life.

    Robust design with encapsulated pocket air channels guarantees leak-free performance.

    Stitched and hot melt welded spacers insure complete pocket inflation and equal air distribution across the medium.

    Spun bond backed media (downstream) assures a non-shedding intact structure.

    Controlled media spacers prevent pocket to pocket contact ensuring full utilization of the media and smooth air flow.



    Options Prym-Glass™ filters may be supplied with a gasket downstream.
    Temperature 75°C maximum in continuous service.
    Efficiency M5 (45%), M6 (65%), F7 (85%), F8 (95%), F9 (98%) to EN779:2012 | MERV 9, MERV 11, MERV 13, MERV 15, MERV 16 to ASHRAE 52.2:2007.
    Applications Primary filter in a wide range of applications, residential, commercial, industrial, airports, schools and universities, train stations, food and beverage, life sciences, office buildings, shopping centers, museums, laboratories, pharmaceutical, hospitals and healthcare, and gas turbine applications.
    Usability Disposable.
    Type Bag Filter Group.
    Frame Type Galvanized Mild Steel (standard), ABS plastic frames (upon request).
    Media Air-laid glass fibre.
    Adhesive Solvent based adhesive.


    • Residential
    • Military Equipment
    • Gas Phase
    • High Temperature
    • Bio-Safety Cabinets
    • Laboratories
    • Offices & Buildings
    • Commercial
    • Gas Turbine
    • Industrial
    • Life Sciences
    • Schools & Universities


    • Compact Filters
    • Cube Filters
    • Bag Filters


    • F5 - F9

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